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3 Cs Success Consultation Service Plans.
Find the Consultation plan that suits your needs as a freelancer, remote worker, or virtual assistant.
Introduction Consult
0US$Get to know each other and learn your situationPlatí jeden týden- Free Introductory Consult
- 1 Hour To See If I Am The Right Person To Help You
- Availability Is Centeral Daylight Time (CDT) Based
1 Session Consult
300US$Perfect For Those "One Of" Situations You May Need Help WithPlatí jeden týden- Single Consultation Session
- 1-hour Session Dedicated To You
- Availability Is Centeral Daylight Time (CDT) Based
Basic Consultation
500US$Každý týdenA Plan For Those Who Are Looking At Frequent ConsultationPlatí po dobu 4 týdnů- Scheduled Consultation Based On Availability
- 2-hours Dedicated To You And Your Situation
- 2 Sessions Each Week
- Availability Is Central Daylight Time (CDT) Based
Direct Access Plan
750US$Každý týdenBuilt For The Highly Invested, Motivated, And Action TakersPlatí po dobu 4 týdnů- Scheduled Consultation Based On Availability
- 2-hours Dedicated To You And Your Situation
- 2 Sessions Each week
- Direct Messaging Response Outside Of Scheduled Appointments
- Availability Is Central Daylight Time (CDT) Based
Disclaimer; Consultation does not guarantee financial, physical, mental, or personal gain. - Consultation does grant insight and understanding into ones own situation(s). - By signing up and accepting to meet with a 3 C’s Success consultant you agree and acknowledge that 3 C’s Success and/or it’s consultants are not liable nor responsible for how you use the information discussed during consultation, or how your actions after consultation affect your business, work, or person.
Náhrady jsou na základě situace. Konzultace není produkt, ale služba. Situace každé osoby je proto jiná a může vyžadovat vrácení peněz. Chápeme, že mysl se mění a finance jsou napjaté. Pokud však žádáte o vrácení peněz z důvodu jakékoli situace uvedené v části zřeknutí se odpovědnosti, pak vrácení peněz není zaručeno.
Downloadable Conent
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